

Cloud Link Roundup #9 – Hiding in Plain Sight, Cloud Clarity, InterOp, the Private Cloud, and More

Every Friday we like to highlight some of our favorite posts on Cloud Computing, service orientated infrastructure, DevOps, and anything else that grabbed our attention over the week. Here are eight great articles from the week of May 9th that are worth taking a look at. Enjoy!

To celebrate the 25th year of InterOp, Dan Lynch, who founded the show 25 years ago, interviewed Vinton Cerf, Google's Chief Internet Evangelist and one of the early Internet pioneers, at the show's keynote this morning.

One interesting difference between open source and cloud computing presents itself: open source never got much attention from senior IT management, despite its promise of reduced cost, while senior IT management is all over cloud computing. Why the different reaction to two very similar opportunities?

Take cloud and IaaS. If there were 50 vendors going on about IaaS, the clutter would be so bad that the incumbent would walk away with it all. For us, the goal in terms of an effort like OpenStack is to align the industry around a vehicle to meet commercial needs but also move faster to deliver core components that people are fighting around that has no long-term commercial value.

I often describe the cloud as a big fence that comes just up to everyones eyebrows. It looks really cool but you can’t quite see what’s over the fence. I try to urge people to use a step ladder to look over the fence and see the longer journey. Most people will see that whats beyond the fence is not the end of the journey, but just the beginning.

Much has been written about how Amazon's recent outage is a major setback for cloud computing, and, oh look, that means private clouds are going to be on the upswing. But the Amazon outage is irrelevant to those of us planning the future of computing at our organizations.

Data center power usage is soaring -- the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that data center energy requirements will double in the next five years. To address that surge in energy use, some companies are turning to alternative sources of energy, including solar arrays, natural gas turbines, wind power, fuel cells and hydro power.

Randy Bias, CEO of Cloudscaling, states that there should be specific, actionable uses for cloud computing techniques, for it is not enough to want technology. He complained that expecting companies to emulate Google or Amazon is unrealistic, because these companies’ data center has a completely different set of purposes and needs than that of a technology provider.

What struck me most about the "debate" was that it was not much of one at all. Although the panel started off bickering around the use, or overuse, of private clouds, the panelists quickly agreed that the private clouds have a place in the enterprise (to very different degrees), and that the end game is mixing and matching private and public cloud resources to meet the requirements of the business.



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