

Zenny's Weekly Cloud Links #16 - Cloud Computing & Services, Data = New Oil?, VM...

Every Friday we like to highlight some of our favorite posts on Cloud Computing, service orientated infrastructure, DevOps, and anything else that grabbed our attention over the week. Here are some great articles from the week of June 27th that are worth taking a look at. Enjoy!



Do business leaders understand the scale of cloud computing? >  by Rachel King

"Based on what was said by many of the panelists and insiders at GigaOm’s Structure conference last week, it’s generally agreed upon that cloud computing is just in its nascent stages. Nevertheless, energy and enthusiasm for this next era of IT is catching steam, primarily amongst developers and IT departments."

IT demand for cloud services will generate $9.4B in new server sales >  by Joe Wilcox

"Spending on public and private clouds will generate $3.6 billion and $5.8 billion, respectively, in server spending by 2015, IDC forecasts. While there has been much written about public clouds, many IT organizations are setting up their own infrastructure to provide employees with access to their data anytime, anywhere and on anything."

Of Clouds and Container Ships: Microsoft's Strong Technology in the Cloud >  by Brian McCallion

"I've been further researching the platform / web services ecosystem. It is an interesting area bc it seems the intellectual property questions are still being articulated. It also seems that few firms are aware of the issues, let alone understand how this area of concern could deeply impact their business."

Cloud Pricing: The Transparency Trend >  by Stanton Jones

"Key message: just because you’ve chosen to process and store your data in the cloud, don’t forget about the other costs inherent in your IT environment: your staff’s skills need to be updated, your authentication framework needs to be rock solid, and you need to be confident your business continuity and disaster recovery requirements are met."

Big buyers embrace Facebook’s Open Compute servers >  by Stacey Higgenbotham

"In April, the social network teamed with big names from the hardware ecosystem and showed off two years of work developing a greener, leaner data center and server design...but a week and half ago, it invited engineers and folks from large IT shops to its campus to figure out how to improve that design..."

Virtual Machine Addiction: We've gone too far. >  by Ken Hess

"You’re addicted to virtual machines. You spin up a new one for every little niche workload. It’s like any other addiction, it’s costing you and the price is too high to pay."

Data: The ‘New Oil’?

"The aphorism that ‘knowledge is power’ has gained currency in the digital economy. Those companies comfortably positioned in the data transport and subsequent value-extraction fields are often considered to be the oil barons of the multimedia age."

Cloudy with a chance of data >  by Michael Kreiger

"What’s in a name?  A lot, when it comes to Cloud Computing, one of the buzzword darlings of the 21st century.  To IT old-timers it’s a return to mainframes and dumb terminals of decades ago.  To others, it represents a new way of defining the relationship between man and machine.  To me, it’s a bit of both."

And a few more honorable mentions from the b-roll…



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