

Introducing the Enterprise Cloud Triage

Zenoss Logo, Cloud, Cloud ManagementFloyd Strimling, Zenoss Cloud Evangelist, recently posted on the concept of performing an Enterprise Cloud triage to help determine your company's readiness when it comes to leveraging Cloud computing. The goal of the effort is to better understand not only your IT organization's capabilities but also the overall business objectives before beginning the dramatic shift.

The 10 steps of the triage include:

  1. Understanding Business Goals & Objectives
  2. Industry and Competitive Assessment
  3. Grade Your Enterprise
  4. Grade Your People
  5. Application Categorization and Usage
  6. IT Organizational Assessment
  7. Grade Your IT Infrastructure
  8. IT Gap Strategy
  9. Cloud Assessment
  10. Doomsday Cloud Scenario Exercise

Floyd has put a lot of thought into this approach based on his past experiences and from working with companies that are currently going through the journey of transforming their IT operations. To help introduce the concept, I sat down with Floyd and shot a quick video introduction to the concept. There is a lot more here that we will continue to build out and share. Enjoy and please don't hesitate to share any feedback and comments.

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