

OpenStack Survey 2011 - What are Your Plans?

Earlier this year, we did the 2011 Cloud Computing Outlook Survey to discern trends in Cloud Computing usage and preferences for deploying virtual infrastructures.

Continuing this crowd sourcing trend, we've embarked on taking the temperature of OpenStack adoption. With all of the OpenStack buzz and our recent announcement of OpenStack ZenPacks, we'd like to understand if OpenStack is reality or hype.

We launched this survey during the OpenStack Conference last week in Boston and received a huge response. Earlier this week, we also launched this survey to our Zenoss Community, and now we want to hear from our Twitter and blog audiences.

Please help us understand your OpenStack plans in our 2011 OpenStack Adoption Survey. The survey is completely anonymous, and can be completed in less than 5 minutes. Participants in the survey can elect to receive the complete results, and will be entered in a drawing to win an iPad.

Thanks in advance for your participation and support.

Take the Survey Now!



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Zenoss Cloud Product Overview: Intelligent Application & Service Monitoring
Analyst Report
451 Research: New Monitoring Needs Are Compounding Challenges Related to Tool Sprawl

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