

Zenny's Cloud Links #51 - CloudStack/OpenStack, Gartner, Hybrid Cloud

Every Friday we like to highlight some of our favorite posts on IT Operations, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Big Data and anything else that grabbed our attention over the week. Here are some great articles from the week of April 1st that are worth taking a look at. Enjoy and have a fantastic weekend!


Gartner Outlines 5 Cloud Computing Trends That Will Affect Cloud Strategy Through 2015 by Gartner

Continual monitoring of cloud computing trends, with regular updates to the enterprise's cloud strategy, will be essential to avoid costly mistakes or miss market opportunities over the next few years, according to Gartner, Inc. Although the potential for cloud computing is significant, the breadth and depth of the impact, as well as the level of adoption over time, are uncertain and will require frequent review.

4 critical trends in IT business continuity by Bob Violino

In IT, failure is not an option. Not surprisingly, organizations have made it a high priority to develop and implement reliable business continuity plans to ensure that IT services are always available to internal users and outside customers.

The Secret History of OpenStack, the Free Cloud Software That's Changing Everything by Cade Metz

The roots of OpenStack stretch back only about four years to a skunk works project inside of NASA, but it has already overturned the status quo in both the private sector and the public. After catching the eye of Vivek Kundra — the country’s first CIO — it’s used not only by NASA but by other operations across the federal government.

Cloud APIs: It’s the Architecture that Matters by Thorsten von Eicken

Lack of excitement is not something the cloud market can be accused of! Citrix just announced a bold roadmap for its CloudStack platform coming right on the heels of a Eucalyptus and Amazon announcement to extend API compatibility and just two weeks before the OpenStack summit. My prediction for 2012: we will exit the year with as many cloud APIs as we had when we entered, and it doesn’t really matter!

Shell Oil targets hybrid cloud as fix for energy-saving, agile IT by Lucas Mearian

Two years ago, Shell Oil's IT subsidiary found itself in a somewhat ironic situation. It was facing staggering energy costs. Among its three main worldwide data centers and 400 regional data centers, the company saw its energy use grow by 3.6 megawatts over a nine-month period.

The Cloud 300 – Who is Gaining Mind Share in 1Q 2012? by Ray DePena

Ok, so it’s a few more than 300. What can I tell you? The segment is growing by leaps and bounds. The question remains, who is gaining mind share in the 1st quarter of 2012?

OpenStack supporters downplay Citrix defection by Brandon Butler

Top coordinators of the OpenStack project shot back at Citrix for dropping its support for the open-source cloud development platform in favor of starting a separate open source project based on an Apache license.

Cloud Computing Calls for Rebuilding Enterprise IT by Bernard Golden

Everyone's had the experience of discussing a concept with someone and suddenly seeing the look of understanding appear on their face as the meaning of the concept sinks in. I engage in a lot of conversations with IT managers about cloud computing, and have encountered many interesting reactions.

Gartner to IT: Get a grip on cloud services, or else by Barb Darrow

It’s easy to see why. IT staffs used to hold the keys to the kingdom — controlling what applications and data ran where and on what devices. That’s all changed — a lot — with the consumerization of IT and the advent of compute power that in-house developers can spin up on Amazon Web Services and pay for out of petty cash — without IT approval. Ditto the departmental use of easy-to-expense software-as-a-service applications. All of that erodes the power of IT folks.

As ‘Big Data’ Moves Into The Cloud, Demand for Data Center Space Soars by Randyl Drummer

One of the hot topics in IT over the last year has been the growth and management of big data and the rise of cloud computing, fueled by an explosion in consumer smart phones and tablets, GPS navigation, social media, online gaming and e-commerce, among many other data-hungry sources.

Consumerization of IT - Information Workers Make Technology Decisions for Themselves by Doug Dineley

The list of information technologies that end-users are adopting directly, without the help, consent, or even awareness of their company's IT department, is long and getting longer every day. We've all seen personal iPhones, iPads, and Android devices used in the workplace, a trend that some companies embrace as advantageous and others reject as risky and painful. Whether these devices are encouraged, tolerated, or stubbornly resisted, companies and their IT organizations are only beginning to come to grips with managing their presence.

A few more noteworthy pieces...



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