

Cloud Link Roundup #71 - Disney's Big Data, PaaS & DevOps, Cloud Disrupts Hardware

Every Friday, Zenoss highlights some of the best posts from the week. Here are some great articles they selected from 9/17/2012 that are worth taking a look at.

Storm Clouds Will Gather If Your Data Strategy Isn’t Right by Jeremy Neal | Business Computing World

Cloud computing can help businesses achieve ‘opex nirvana’ – that is, allow them to invest their capital in what they do, rather than what they need. However, all the associated economies of scale are incidental unless the business is able to effectively integrate and manage data across its cloud and on-premise estates.

How Cloud Computing’s Growth Disrupts Hardware & Software Vendors by Antone Gonsalves | ReadWriteWeb / Cloud

Businesses are subscribing to software, storage and computing power delivered over the Internet at a jaw-dropping pace, Over the next five years, global spending on cloud-computing services will increase at a pace five times greater than the growth of the information technology (IT) industry as a whole. To survive in this new landscape, technology makers will have to completely redefine their products, business models and cultures

Cloud Apps Somewhat More Secure Than On-Premises Apps: Survey by Joe McKendrick | Forbes

Security is often a showstopper for cloud computing proposals, but at least one survey suggests that applications and data may be somewhat more secure out in the cloud than within on-premises systems.

How Disney Built a Big Data Platform on a Startup Budget by Derrick Harris | GigaOM

The big data world is full of small, scrappy startups using their ingenuity to build complex systems out of open source software, but the Walt Disney Company is not one of them. Here’s what goes into building a big data platform in a Fortune 100 company.

Big Data's Human Component by Jim Stikeleather | Harvard Business Review

We often forget about the human component in the excitement over data tools. Consider how we talk about Big Data. We forget that it is not about the data; it is about our customers having a deep, engaging, insightful, meaningful conversation with us…while money will be invested in software tools and hardware, let me suggest the human investment is more important. Here's how to put that insight into practice…

IT departments warned: Evolve or die by Nick Heath | TechRepublic

Keeping the lights on is no longer enough: IT departments need to meet business demands or risk being demoted to a minor support role. Keeping the servers humming is no longer enough to justify the existence of the IT: it’s time for the tech team to raise their game - or risk becoming irrelevant.

PaaS Promises Devops in the Cloud by David Linthicum | Cloud Computing – InfoWorld

Platform as a service is the fastest-growing area of cloud computing: Gartner forecasts the worldwide enterprise market for PaaS platforms will grow from $900 million in 2011 to $2.9 billion in 2016, representing a 26.6 percent rise each year.

Cloud Computing: BPM Solutions by Spinivasan Sundara Rajan | Cloud Computing Journal

Business Process Management solutions enable business people to quickly and easily capture their business goals as models that can be instantly turned into intelligent, automated processes. No or minimal software development, and no wait for IT resources.

OpenStack Foundation launches with $10m in funding by Timothy Prickett Morgan | The Register

The OpenStack cloud controller and related projects developed under the Big Red O are finally and officially free of Rackspace Hosting, which has by and large been steering its development since July 2010, when the project was founded.

Why CIOs Are Quickly Prioritizing Analytics, Cloud and Mobile by Louis Columbus | Forbes

Customers are quickly reinventing how they choose to learn about new products, keep current on existing ones, and stay loyal to those brands they most value.  The best-run companies are all over this, orchestrating their IT strategies to be as responsive as possible.

A few more great posts to check out...




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