

Cloud Link Roundup #72 - NY Times vs Wired, IOPS for Amazon RDS, Nasdaq Cloud

Every Friday, Zenoss highlights some of the best posts from the week. Here are some great articles they selected from the week of 9/24/2012 that are worth taking a look at.

Why OpenStack owes its success to Amazon by David Linthicum | InfoWorld

Who would have thunk it. The OpenStack Foundation now has a 24-person board, $10 million in funding, and, oh, yeah, 5,600 members. This is becoming more than momentum in the cloud computing market, and it certainly exceeds my expectations from when the standard was first launched.

Data Centers Waste Vast Amounts of Energy, Belying Industry Image by James Glanz | New York Times

Jeff Rothschild’s machines at Facebook had a problem he knew he had to solve immediately. They were about to melt. The company had been packing a 40-by-60-foot rental space here with racks of computer servers that were needed to store and process information from members’ accounts. The electricity pouring into the computers was overheating Ethernet sockets and other crucial components.

The New York Times Says Data Centers Suck — But Here's What They Missed by Robert McMillan | Wired Enterprise

When The New York Times published the first part of its sweeping investigative report on the state of the world’s data centers, it led with a six-year-old story about Facebook dispatching engineers to local Walgreens stores in a desperate bid to cool down the 40- by 60-foot rental that was home to the company’s servers.

Top 5 Differences between an Infrastructure Manager and a Cloud Management Solution By Wayne Greene | Cisco Blog

I get asked this question a lot.  Cisco has multiple exciting Converged Infrastructure solutions with partners.   There are actually two different software product “categories” covering the Infrastructure (or POD) Manager and the Cloud Management Solution.  Let dig a bit deeper in what the differences are.

Expanding the Cloud – Provisioned IOPS for Amazon RDS by Werner Vogels | All Things Distributed

Following the huge success of being able to provision a consistent, user-requested I/O rate for DynamoDB and Elastic Block Store (EBS), the AWS Database Services team has now released Provisioned IOPS, a new high performance storage option for the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Customers can provision up to 10,000 IOPS (input/output operations per second) per database instance to help ensure that their databases can run the most stringent workloads with rock solid, consistent performance.

With new service, Nasdaq brings Wall Street data to Amazon’s cloud by Derrick Harris | Gigaom

Nasdaq OMX is offering a new service called FinQloud for financial services clients that want to store regulatory data or analyze trade data using on-demand resources. Built atop Amazon Web Services, the service seems to be the result of a close partnership between the two companies.

How to Scale Out Networking in the Cloud: The Case for Overlay-based Network Virtualization by Ben Cherian | SiliconANGLE

So, you’ve decided to build a private IaaS cloud. Great idea! By encouraging self-service IT in your organization, you’ve made your support staff happier by reducing their workload and you’ve made your users happier by giving them instant access to the resources they want. Now your users won’t be hounding the IT department (as much) to provision a VM or implement a firewall rule change. Happiness abounds!

One cloud to rule them all? Not likely by Paul Miller | VentureBeat

With healthy competition between incumbents and ambitious startups, it’s unlikely any single player will dominate for the foreseeable future. And yet, the hype blitz around big vendor showcase events is almost enough to persuade us they really do sell everything we’ll ever need. The truth is rather more nuanced.

Which Cloud Model is Right for Your Company? by Jim Thompson | Datacenter Knowledge

Cloud computing can mean many different things depending on whom you speak with and what their experience has been thus far with the cloud…It’s a fast-growing segment…worldwide revenues from cloud services are expected to reach $31 billion by 2013. In the U.S. alone, revenue could exceed $10 billion by 2014.

How to Track Cost Allocation for Cloud Apps by Bernard Golden | CIO.com

Cloud computing changes cost allocation over the lifetime of an application. We look at the benefits and shortcomings of the different approaches. In addition, we outline right approach for IT organizations to take in order to realize the benefits of cloud computing, while avoiding the unfortunate cost effects some models incur.

5 signs your cloud service provider can't handle tier 1 apps  by Thor Olavsrud | Cloud Computing – InfoWorld

Migrating mission-critical applications to the cloud is fundamentally different from migrating less critical applications and processes to the cloud. Picking the right cloud hosting provider is among the most important decisions you'll make when planning the migration of your Tier 1 applications. After all, cloud providers that typically focus on developer services can quickly find themselves out of their depth when dealing with production applications.

Cloud Computing is not a ‘Thing’ … It’s a way of Doing Things by Duke Skarda | SoftLayer

I’m a stickler for definitions just like the next pedantic software-religious guy, but when it comes to arguing minutiae about cloud computing, it’s easy to lose the forest for the trees. Instead of discussing underlying infrastructure and comparing hypervisors, we’ll look at two well-cited definitions of cloud computing that may help us unify our understanding of the model.



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