

Cloud Link Roundup #74 - Open vs Closed Cloud, PaaS is a Must, Cloud Footprint

Every Friday, Zenoss highlights some of the best posts from the week. Here are some great articles they selected from the week of 10/8/2012 that are worth taking a look at.

The footprint of data centers is shrinking as more capacity is being added by cloud computing service providers, according to International Data Corp. The shift to the cloud means that internal data center growth is out even as capacity grows.

Data Center Servers Suck — But Nobody Knows How Much by Robert McMillan | Wired

On its surface, the issue is simple. Inside the massive data centers that drive today’s businesses, technical staffers have a tendency to just throw extra servers at a computing problem. They hope that by piling on the processors, they can keep things from grinding to a halt — and not get fired. But they don’t think much about how efficient those servers are.

Which freaking PaaS should I use? by Andrew C. Oliver | InfoWorld

Most of the buzz around the cloud has centered on infrastructure as a service (IaaS). However, IaaS is no longer good enough. Sure, you can forgo buying servers and run everything virtually on Amazon's EC2 server farm. So what? You still have to manage it, and to do that you'll have a growing IT bureaucracy.

Open vs. Closed: The Cloud Wars by Quentin Hardy | New York Times Bits

For all the freedom promised by cloud computing, businesses may be really looking at less choice and more constraint than ever before. Whether that happens is the technology industry’s next great battleground.

Join us for a round-table discussion with OpenStack, Citrix, and Eucalyptus regarding the state of the open source and what it means to your business and the broader cloud computing market > Zenoss Investigates: The State of the Open Source Cloud (10/24 at 1pm CST)

How Will Cisco Embrace Virtual Networking? It's Complicated by Cade Metz | Wired

Some have said that Cisco will never completely embrace virtual networking because it undermines the company’s massive networking hardware business. If you build a virtual network, it’s easier to bypass the big-name hardware sellers in favor of, say, no-name gear manufactured in Asia. But Tucker rejects the notion that Cisco won’t move with the times, and the acquisition of vCider — though small — is yet another sign that the virtual networking movement is changing the way Cisco operates.

PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) Should Be Part Of Every Private Cloud Computing Deployment by Mark Green | Cloud Elements

What makes your private cloud a cloud? I often ask this question of companies and invariably the answers I get are: (1) they virtualized servers in their data center, or (2) they co-located hardware in a third-party data center and virtualized that environment. That’s great but is that really a private cloud? Virtualization is an important foundation for cloud computing, it’s a start, but it’s not a cloud.

Cloud Backup Service Backblaze Gets Creative With Big Storage by Richi Jennings | Forbes

Cloud backup service Backblaze is telling its story of how it survived the Thailand floods without raising its prices. While the cost of raw storage was more than quadrupling, the small company had to act… and act fast.

The Intersection of Big Data and Cloud Computing by Jill Tummler Singer | Cloud Computing Journal

Everyone's talking about Big Data today. Is Big Data a buzz word, real phenomenon, or next evolution in our world? In this AFCEA white paper, we surveyed many notable experts to gain perspectives on Big Data.

IBM, AT&T Team on New Cloud Service for Business by Darryl K. Taft | eWeek

IBM and AT&T have announced an agreement to deliver a highly secure, “network-enabled” cloud service that uses private networks rather than the public Internet.

A few more noteworthy pieces from this past week...



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