

Zenoss in Haiti

Last week, I was forwarded a few pictures of our Zebra mascot, Zenny. He looked to be on an adventure somewhere in the world and I was eager to share. However, not wanting to post them out without investigating their origins, I did some digging. The story, not the photos, turned out to be far more interesting and I am thrilled to share it with you.

David Bainbridge, Principal Architect at Zenoss, is the man behind the photos. He's been visiting Haiti working on various construction projects and helping in clinics. I reached out to him to hear about his work and rather than re-hash his email, I'm just going to paste it below:

I have been visiting Haiti off and on since 2 months after the 2010 earthquake. While here, I have worked on both construction projects as well as helping with medical clinics. The chicken coop in the picture is what I and a team of about 8 built in January. It is owned by an orphanage and was a means for the orphans to get protein via the eggs as well as some revenue - as they can sell the extra eggs. When fully stocked it will hold about 500 chickens.

This week I am participating in a medical trip. We brought with us some doctors from the US and also work with doctors and nursing students from Haiti. On Monday we served 182 people and today we served 162 people. On both days the majority of people served were children, but also their parents and other adults. As we are working with nursing students, our work here also helps train local people to help.

Anyway, I am a proud Zen-ite -  happy to be serving in Haiti.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I do blog about the experiences on mission-quest.blogspot.com and you can see blog posts from other team members on chickenrunhaiti.blogspot.com and medmiracles.blogspot.com.


We're thrilled to support one of our own giving back like this and hopefully Zenny has been a welcomed guest on David's journey. If you'd like to keep up with David, feel free to check out his personal blog here. Below are a few of the pictures from his trip.

Zenny in Haiti Pic 1

Zenny in Haiti Pic 2

Zenny in Haiti Pic 3

Zenny in Haiti Pic 4

Zenny in Haiti Pic 5

Zenny in Haiti Pic 6

Zenny in Haiti Pic 7

Zenny in Haiti Pic 8

Zenny in Haiti Pic 9






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