

National IT Professionals Day

Happy National IT Professionals Day! By the time most of the world wakes up and settles in at work, many IT professionals are already bogged down with issues — assessing new directions and creating more efficient processes to improve every facet of business. Not to mention, being the superheroes who safeguard the data centers, networks, and databases all around the world.

We all know that IT is based on three things: people, process, and technology. But without you, IT professionals, our world would come to a screeching halt. So, today’s purpose is to honor the profession and the hard-working, unsung heroes who do so much to ensure that business runs smoothly.

Every executive needs to understand that while many of the latest developments such as a virtualization and cloud create new opportunities, they also make it more difficult to deliver and assure consistent service levels to end users. This is a great day to make the request for the tools and technology that make you more successful — it’s your day, after all!

What would make this day really come to life is hearing your stories.

Tweet your craziest IT requests to @Zenoss using the hashtag #IOwnIT, and you could win some cool Zenoss zwag. You can tweet a description, video, or photo of a story on a cocktail napkin — anything goes. We want to hear from you!

September 15 has a long list of designations from the National Day Calendar. So, maybe throw on a felt hat, cook up some linguine with a side of (Texas) cheese toast, and cheers to the world's IT professionals with a creme de menthe aperitif.

What else to celebrate today:



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