

Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day! #CMAD

community-manager-appreciation-dayHappy Community Manager Appreciation Day!

On the heels of Blame Someone Else Day, we want to honor the people that take full responsibility and nurture communities!

Initiated by Jeremiah Owyang in 2010, this event takes place every 4th Monday of January as a way to recognize and celebrate the efforts of community managers around the world, and encourages people to send “Thank You’s” using use the #CMAD and #GMGR Twitter tags to help amplify the celebration.

Being the Community Manager and Engineer at Zenoss my thoughts about the celebration are 1) “Pretty Cool!” and 2) I am compelled to call out some wonderful things about online communities, and in particular our Zenoss Community and our community members.


It’s All You!

Being the Zenoss Community Manager is awesome. I look forward to each day engaging with you. But it is not me breathing life into our community…it is all of you. Every bit of expertise you share, helping hand you extend and question you pose moves the conversation and engagement in a positive direction.

You Help Us See Beyond the Possible

Our Zenoss Community members drive us to be innovative and continuously improve our solutions . Whether you are using our SaaS, Enterprise or Core solution, your engagement in our community pushes forward the conversation of what is possible. Your insights are responsible for some of the significant technology strides here at Zenoss.

You Are All For One & One For All!

Our Zenoss Community has great Community Karma. You help all members with their questions so they can succeed. In one of my past online experiences, someone once called another user a “noob, ” to which I always reply, “we all started as noobs.” Everyone in the community adds value in some way and you make that clear in every interaction.

You Are Individually Unique, Better Together

The Zenoss Community is made up of all Zenoss: SaaS, Enterprise and Core users from around the globe all engaging in the conversation. It is thrilling to interact with so many bright professionals with so many different, valuable technical perspectives (not to mention your unique personalities).

Finally, It’s All About Knowing You!

I have met so many wonderful people in online communities but nothing compares to finally getting to meet some of you in person. This year I am excited to meet many of you for the first time at our annual Zenoss GalaxZ '17 User Conference. I cannot wait to shake your hands, hear you speak at sessions, get your feedback, field your questions and best of all enjoy some quality time in Austin, Texas sharing meals and listening to great music.

Beyond the Bits and Bytes

Let’s face it…we could talk technology and Zenoss all day long as a community. End of the day it is not lost on us that we forge some strong and rewarding professional relationships and friendships.

So while today is Community Manager Appreciation Day…I and the rest of our team at Zenoss view this as your day. You make the community happen and we appreciate each and everyone one of you every day of the year.

Here is to another fantastic year of engagement on the Zenoss Community!


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Zenoss is the global leader in hybrid IT monitoring and analytics software, providing complete visibility for cloud, virtual and physical IT environments for more than 40,000 global organizations. Zenoss customers gain IT performance and risk insights into their unique IT ecosystems through real-time analytics that adapt to the ever-evolving data center and cloud, enabling them to eliminate disruptions and accelerate business.



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