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Retail Industry Leaders Tap Zenoss for Hybrid IT Monitoring

From Brick and Mortar to E-Commerce, IT Reliability is Priority as Retailers Prepare for Black Friday

AUSTIN, TX – September 22, 2016 – Zenoss Inc., the leader in hybrid IT monitoring and analytics software, reports a significant number of major retailers utilizing the Zenoss hybrid IT monitoring platform to eliminate disruptions across their massive retail management systems. The moves come at a time when retailers around the world are facing critical challenges maintaining performance while supporting new payment options, emerging mobile shopping applications, and an explosion of data from both online and offline sources.

"Retailers, along with other vertical industries, are finding that their infrastructure is much more complex than it once was," said Nancy Gohring, senior analyst at 451 Research. "They require monitoring tools that offer visibility into all of the resources and interdependencies that make up their e-commerce sites or apps, including third-party services, so that they can reduce the time it takes to pinpoint and resolve performance problems before they impact the bottom line."

Designed from the ground up to meet the needs of hybrid data centers, Zenoss offers a modern approach to monitoring, including complete visibility across physical, virtual and cloud-based infrastructures from a single view. The platform is helping retailers dramatically improve availability of both online and offline applications, which enables higher enterprisewide service levels. This is translating to improved customer experience and elimination of revenue losses due to downtime.

"Maintaining availability is essential for the hypercompetitive retail industry, where consumers frequently abandon their shopping carts due to slow load times, payment processing failures and security concerns," said Greg Stock, president and CEO of Zenoss. "Zenoss allows retail organizations to ensure the IT systems supporting their businesses are always on. It's a single source of truth and offers the unique visibility that is critical for true IT service assurance."

In recent years, a majority of retailers have embraced an omnichannel strategy — supporting customers across online, mobile, telephone and brick-and-mortar experiences. However, legacy IT tools lack the flexibility and open architectures to meet modern requirements. The Zenoss open architecture is extensible and can be easily customized for any environment, ensuring transactions are always completed regardless of where applications run.

Zenoss continues to see increased demand across the retail industry where customers include restaurants, apparel stores, home furnishing stores, sporting goods and consumer technologies.

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About Zenoss
Zenoss is the global leader in hybrid IT monitoring and analytics software, providing complete visibility for cloud, virtual and physical IT environments for more than 40,000 global organizations. Zenoss customers gain IT performance and risk insights into their unique IT ecosystems through real-time analytics that adapt to the ever-evolving data center and cloud, enabling them to eliminate disruptions and accelerate business. www.zenoss.com

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Alison Guzzio