

Case Study

Central 1 Credit Union Success Story

Central 1 Credit Union provides wholesale financial products, trust services, payment processing solutions and digital banking services to roughly 300 credit unions and institutional clients across Canada. To ensure the security and reliability of their customer data and organizational systems and achieve their core goals of client centricity and operational excellence, Central 1 needed complete visibility into their complex cloud, virtual and physical IT environments.

Before Zenoss, Central 1 had a number of pain points around monitoring its primary services. With its previous monitoring approach, Central 1 was unable to tell when services were degraded or impacted by a server outage or other IT event. Although Central 1 was using ServiceNow for IT incident reporting and management, it was difficult for IT team members in separate offices to work together to resolve service disruptions, and maintaining accurate data across all locations required time-consuming manual updates.

Central1 Credit Union Success Story

Enabling IT to Move at the Speed of Business

Zenoss is built for modern IT infrastructures. Let's discuss how we can work together.

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