

2015 Zenoss Community Highlight Reel

2015 is almost over and a lot happened in the Zenoss Community this year.  Let’s stop before it’s over and check out the highlight reel!

Zenoss 5
In February, we released Zenoss 5 which marked a major milestone in Zenoss development. The Community’s testing during 2014 was critical to the stabilization and success of Zenoss 5, which has continued to mature over the last year.

Featuring Control Center and a new performance data system based on Hadoop, Zenoss 5 was a huge change from the 4.2.5 release the Community’s attention had been focused on. With Control Center under the hood, managing the underlying Docker infrastructure was much easier than running on a VM or bare metal in the past, and provided additional monitoring of the various Zenoss 5 components. Zenoss will release 5.1, marking the end of a successful stabilization and scaling of our new platform.

New Features for the Forums
During the spring and early summer, the Community team worked to add email integration, images, and format preservation to the forums. Over time, quite a few bugs were stomped, and the overall look of the site improved as the theme matured. Since we brought them online, the forums have increased in traffic over 250 percent! Hopefully, you are enjoying the changes. More changes and improvements are coming, and we expect to retheme the site next year.

New Zenoss Masters
This year we recognized two Zenoss Masters. Jason Stanley was named at the end of 2014, and received his jacket at GalaxZ' 15. Jason is an active member of the Community, answering questions on both IRC and in the forums and has several ZenPacks to his name.

In March, we recognized Jan Garaj. Formerly from BBC’s Zenoss team, Jan has demonstrated through extensions and ZenPacks a superior knowledge of Zenoss. From building a turnkey Zenoss 5 testbed to grafana integration product/grafana-2-for-zenoss-5/, and Control Center definitions for Jenkins, and Zenoss Searcher, a web ui for ZenPacks integrated into Control Center.

Industry Events
In January, I had the opportunity to address the Cloudstack Users’ Group in Silicon Valley and hosted at the SAP HQ, it was an awesome event. In February, I saw quite a few of you at SCaLE and was excited by the turn out, questions and comments following my presentation and the traffic at our booth.  Penguicon in Detroit was a great event for all of us and in June, I made my first appearance at SELF, in the south east.  I’ll be speaking quite a bit next year, stay tuned for locations and dates.

In May, Zenoss held the first annual user conference, GalaxZ ' 15. It was great to see so many Zenoss Open Source users and several Zenoss Masters were on hand for the event as well. In the course of my job, I attend a lot of conventions, and GalaxZ was one of the best run conventions I’ve been to. Next year, GalaxZ '16 will feature even more community focused talks and events.  The call for speaker is still open, submit to speak today!

I hope everyone enjoyed 2015 in the Zenoss Community and we’re looking forward to 2016!

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