

Are Open Source Clouds Finally Ready for Primetime?


Two years ago, Zenoss conducted its first “State of the Open Source Cloud” survey.

Much has changed since then, so Zenoss is reaching out once again to assess the state of the open source cloud in enterprise IT organizations.

Today, Zenoss is pleased to announce that our latest research survey, the 2014 State of the Open Source Cloud, is now open!

Take the 2014 State of the Open Source Cloud Survey Now!

That Was Then — Results from Our 2012 State of the Open Source Cloud Survey

Our 2012 State of the Open Source Cloud Survey was based upon 600+ responses from organizations large and small from around the world. It provided several key insights into the state of open source cloud adoption, including:

  • The pervasiveness of virtualization. 94% of respondents reported that they had already adopted virtualization, with VMware the clear winner.
  • Open source cloud was not a household name. 83% of the respondents were NOT using an open source cloud. The most common reasons cited for not using an open source cloud were lack of maturity, lack of support, and security.
  • Organizations using open source cloud technologies had highly skilled in-house technical staff and valued the flexibility, open standards, and freedom from vendor lock-in that open source cloud technologies provided.
  • Although the majority of respondents were not using an open source cloud, approximately 40% of respondents said they were considering using an open source cloud in the future. These respondents planned to deploy an open source cloud in 1-2 years, and were leaning heavily towards OpenStack and CloudStack technologies.

This Is Now — Cloud Adoption Is Growing Rapidly

Much has changed since our last survey, with cloud adoption growing rapidly over the last two years:

  • Gartner research VP Ian Marriott predicts that the end user spend on cloud services could hit $180 billion by 2015.
  • Seagate predicts that the global market for cloud equipment will reach $79.1 billion by 2018.
  • More than 60 percent of businesses utilize cloud for performing IT-related operations.

Many companies are adopting public clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS),Microsoft Azure, and Google.

Open source clouds are also suddenly getting a lot of attention and interest. Industry giants such as HP and IBM have laid massive bets on the OpenStack initiative — and are taking subtle shots at each other.

Companies that want full control of their clouds are going down the private cloud path, building out their cloud technology stack themselves to ensure that they have full control over which servers, networking equipment, storage, and even abstraction layer is used for their cloud.

Tell Us Where YOU Are!

Take a few minutes to complete the 2014 State of the Open Source Cloud survey and tell us where your organization is in terms of its open source cloud adoption. The survey should take you no more than 5-7 minutes to complete.

In November, Zenoss will share the results of the 2014 State of the Open Source Cloud Survey with you so you can compare where you organization stands in relation to other companies. Survey results will provide key insights into areas such as:

  • Has the endorsement of OpenStack by industry giants such as HP and IBM affected the way the viability of open source clouds is perceived?
  • Have other organizations made significant headway into the adoption of open source clouds? How does your organization compare?
  • How are other organizations building out the infrastructure to support their open source clouds?
  • For those who already have an open source cloud, would they do it again? Why or why not?
  • What are reasons or roadblocks are preventing others from using open source clouds?

Take the 2014 State of the Open Source Cloud Survey Now!

Zenoss will email all survey respondents an advanced copy of the report prior to its public release.

Many thanks in advance for your participation in our research!

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