

Cloud Classics, May 2011

A lot happens throughout the month and keeping track of it all is a chore. Here are some of our most popular posts from May 2011.



The Key to IT Operations: Automate, Automate, Automate

"In an “Everything-as-a-Service” world, there is a growing expectation that users should be able to request IT services and at the drop of a hat, have them ready for use." - Posted 5/24

Ubuntu Goes All in with OpenStack

"Many are under the impression that Canonical and Ubuntu are not a cloud players, however, if you talk people that are “doing cloud” already, you might change your view." - Posted 5/12

When it Comes to the Cloud, the Opportunities for Datacenter Efficiency are Huge!

"ReadWriteWeb published a fantastic research study and infographic on Friday from ABB on the current power usage of global datacenters and the opportunities for improvement." - Posted 5/16

2011: Outage Checklist for Cloud Providers

"While Cloud computing continues to recover from Amazon’s widely publicized outage, the fact remains that outages have happened and will continue to happen." - Posted 5/3

Network Management and the Impact for Virtualization

"Virtualization, by definition, is about abstraction of the compute layer. While this greatly increases the capability to consolidate servers and improve overall utilization, there are complexity issues that must be addressed in order to manage IT operations effectively." - Posted 5/4

More Thoughts on the OpenStack Community

"After attending the Conference and Summit last week week I am  extremely impressed at what the community has built in the short timeframe. The competition, if there even is any, should be very scared. I’ve seen people do things with and around OpenStack that simply haven’t been done by anyone, no one can’t even touch it." - Posted 5/6

Is Your Company Good at IT Operations?

"Networks, servers, virtualization, storage, and applications all create troves of performance, events, and availability data. The challenge isn’t finding data; it’s finding a way to make it useful." - Posted 5/5

Commercialization of OpenStack: Taking the Enterprise to the Hybrid Cloud

"...as the open source community works to complete OpenStack and expand into new directions, there is a race toward commercialization that leads to financial rewards.  In essence, whoever provides the Enterprise with a smooth path to the hybrid Cloud wins." - Posted 5/23

Microsoft's Knocking on VMware's Enterprise Door

"The “legacy” application vendor who has survived multiple proclamations of the “death of the OS” from both Novell and VMware is quietly gaining positive momentum.  Fresh off their announcement of the acquisition of Skype, a much-needed partnership with Nokia, the release of Office 365 beta, and the revival of Internet search with Bing, Microsoft is poised to crash the private Cloud party." - Posted 5/17



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