

Takeaways From VMworld: Move From the Big 4, Look to Hyperconvergence

Zenoss had a great time at VMworld! We introduced more than 2,000 people to the Intelligent Data Center and managed to give away hundreds of orange foam Zenny zebras.

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Show Takeaway #1: The Time of the Dinosaurs is Past, No More Big 4

It used to be that data center operations software was dominated by BMC, Computer Associates, HP, and IBM/Tivoli. No more. None of these companies showed any software for the virtual data center at VMworld. Conspicuously absent? Yes, they were.

VMworld is where all the people building and running today's IT come. When the formerly Big 4 skip the show, you know that they don't have anything to offer.

Guess what, we're happy to help you rip that old stuff out! Zenoss will help you change from old school to application-focused, agile, and converged infrastructure. Probably save you quite a bit of money, too. But more importantly, we're going to help you make money with plenty of time to work on attacking new business problems.

Show Takeaway #2: It's Time to Pay Attention to Hyperconvergence

It seemed like half the show floor was filled with hyperconverged infrastructure hardware vendors, with huge growth from last year. Everything from startups like Simplivity, Nutanix, and Pivot 3, the EVO:Rail crew, stalwarts like HP, Dell, and EMC, and new announcements from VMware.

There's more than smoke with this fire, although most of the people I talked with were in smaller companies. But we all know that what starts in small companies grows to everyone.

We'd like to know if youā€™re using any hyperconverged vendors today, or if youā€™re looking. Take our mini survey, and we'll share the results later.

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Zenoss Cloud Product Overview: Intelligent Application & Service Monitoring
Analyst Report
451 Research: New Monitoring Needs Are Compounding Challenges Related to Tool Sprawl

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