

The Back-to-School Domino Effect

Education lifts every aspect of our society and global economy — a mission we all need take as seriously as the institutions that manage the traditional and, now, online classrooms.

The rise of the new digital classroom gives students and faculty unprecedented learning capabilities, putting high demands on the IT teams facing ever-increasing system complexity. With all of these new critical applications online — courseware, streaming video, video teleconferencing, facility management applications such as surveillance, security and climate control — even the slightest network disruption can impact the education experience. Root causes have to be identified quickly to ensure rapid restoration of services.

With school back in session for the semester, we have captured a few articles that touch on the new demands of IT in higher education:

campusHow College CIOs Brace for Back-to-School

CIO | Cindy Waxer

Enterprise IT stands to learn a lot from higher-ed CIOs, who are on the front lines in tackling demands for connectivity, service, security and innovation. To some, the job of a higher-education CIO might seem downright cushy. After all, unlike their corporate counterparts, these IT leaders don't have to answer to shareholders, cater to business-line leaders or survive acrimonious mergers. Read More...

studentThree-Quarters of Students Say More Tech Would Improve Their Learning

Campus Technology | Dian Schaffhauser

Nearly six in 10 students (56 percent) would feel more comfortable being in a digital class than an in-person class and almost three-quarters (74 percent) report that they'd do better in their courses if only their instructors would use more technology. Read More...

keyboardHow IT Will Elevate Educational Access and Quality

Campus Technology | David Weldon

Education stands at a crossroads today, currently unable to produce enough skilled graduates to satisfy the workforce, but with the tools to fundamentally change the way in which knowledge is delivered, to a huge new audience, and with greater quality of learning. That is the vision of Paul LeBlanc, president of Southern New Hampshire University, who spoke at the Campus Technology conference in Boston Tuesday about the 'Climate change crisis' facing today's colleges and universities. Read More...

leadershipThe IT Leadership Challenge in Higher Ed

Campus Technology | David Weldon

Colleges and universities face a growing number of challenges when it comes to information technology, and few are more pressing than the need to develop new IT leaders. Technology demands in higher education are changing faster than IT professionals can keep up. Today's college IT department is "not built for future needs." And add to that a "greying" of the IT leadership ranks, with nearly 50 percent of current campus CIOs eligible to retire over the next five to 10 years. Read More...

statueThe 6 Best Things at Campus Tech 2015

CIO | Kacy Zurkus

From online platforms for collecting and assessing student data to user virtualization, here are some highlights of the products and workshops at the Campus Technology 2015 conference. The 22nd annual education technology conference, Campus Technology 2015, took place in Boston the last week of July. It brought together some of the most influential leaders in technology for higher education and offered innovative solutions to the myriad of challenges for IT professionals, faculty, staff and students. Read More...

Zenoss customers Dartmouth College and the University of Maryland University College — recognized as innovators in education and technology — outline their challenges and share their road maps to achieve the ultimate goal of IT operational efficiency.



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