

Zenny's Cloud Links #68 - AWS Glacier, (Really) Big Data, Dell’s Cloud IaaS Solution

Every Friday we like to highlight some of our favorite posts on IT Operations, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Virtualization and anything else that grabbed our attention over the week. Here are some great articles from the week of August 20th that are worth taking a look at. Enjoy and have a fantastic weekend!

In the business world, money has long been the dominant success benchmark.  A hundred years ago being a millionaire was enough, today it’s about being a billionaire.  In open source software however, things are a bit different.  Success is often defined not only by how much money is made, but instead by a company or project’s level of community contribution, involvement and participation.  The gold standard for this type of success has long been the Linux Operating system.

Selecting a Private Cloud is Harder Than You Think by David Linthicum | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld

However, selecting a private cloud is harder than you may think, even when dealing with vendors you already know. No relevant standards exist, other than the emerging open source initiatives, and what constitutes a private cloud seems to be in the eye of the beholder. When you evaluate private clouds, you'll find it's difficult to compare them.

Expanding the Cloud – Managing Cold Storage with Amazon Glacier by Werner Vogels | All Things Distributed

Managing long-term digital archiving is a challenge for almost every company. With the introduction of Amazon Glacier, IT organizations now have a solution that removes the headaches of digital archiving and provides extremely low cost storage.

4 Tools to Help You Make a Case for Open Source Over Commercial Software by Aaron Mandelbaum | Open Logic

Making the case internally to embrace open source software as a viable, and improved alternative to commercial software, is no easy task.  This is why I have outlined for you 4 tools to help solidify your case for change, and prepare you for opposition you might encounter.

Review: Google Compute Engine rocks the cloud by Peter Wayner | Infoworld

You're sitting around. You have some computing to do. Ten years ago, you would ask your boss to buy a rack or two of computers to churn through the data. Today, you just call up the cloud and rent the systems by the minute. This is the market that Google is now chasing by packaging up time on its racks of machines and calling it the Google Compute Engine.

1 Year Leading the Open Source Cloud Computing Platforms at Citrix by Peder Ulander | Citrix Blogs

This past weekend, chatting about how far the cloud has come over drinks with friends, I had the opportunity to celebrate a milestone – the one year anniversary since we were acquired by Citrix.  Reflecting back over this past year, I’m happy to report that our relationship, and the Citrix cloud strategy as a whole, have more than lived up to our hopes and expectations. It has been a thrilling year—and for all the progress we’ve made so far, and we are just getting started.

Big Data, Virtualization are Emerging Technologies - Gartner Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing by Saroj Kar | CloudTimes

Gartner has released a special annual report of the Hype Cycle, representing an annual assessment of maturity of more than 1,900 technologies and trends in information security and IT. Gartner Hype Cycle for cloud computing 2012 model helps companies understand the perspective of further development of technologies and their market demand.

5 OSS Up-and-Comers to Watch by Kevin Kwang | ZDnet

From open source management and Web application frameworks to big data and IT provisioning using the DevOps model, ZDNet Asia spotlights some of the hottest open source software entities in these spaces now.

Deploying to a Public Cloud? Deal with Data Integration First by David Linthicum | Cloud Computing – InfoWorld

Data integration is usually an afterthought for companies moving to the cloud -- when it should be top of mind.

Facebook Tackles (Really) Big Data With 'Project Prism' by Cade Metz | Wired Enterprise

Facebook is staring down an even larger avalanche of data, and there are new limitations that need fixing. This week, during a briefing with reporters at Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters, Parikh revealed that the company has developed two new software platforms that will see Hadoop scale even further. And Facebook intends to open source them both.

Making Cloud Bursting Practical by the CBR Team | Cloud Business Review

One of the best ways to save money on a cloud computing deployment is to use a “cloud bursting” model for your cloud infrastructure. What is cloud bursting? It’s really just another name for a hybrid cloud, explains technology expert Nati Shalom in his blog.

Dell Launches Private Cloud IaaS Solutions, Cloud Services Portal by Justin Lee | Web Host Industry Review

Technology giant Dell announced on Thursday it has launched Dell Cloud Dedicated Services, the company’s new and expanded cloud services that enable customers to select solutions that will help drive business results.

From Ground to Cloud: What Facilities Pros Need to Know About Cloud Computing by Bill Kleyman | Data Center Knowledge

There is now a direct connection between facilities teams and those engineers tasked with designing a cloud solution. Too often, the first response from IT professionals regarding the cloud is that of unease. The primary reason for this type of reaction is oftentimes the result of a lack of understanding revolving around cloud computing. Remember, when we’re working with any sort of cloud infrastructure, we are effectively only transferring data over the Wide Area Network.

A few more noteworthy posts...

Image from Destination360



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