Every Friday we like to highlight some of our favorite posts on Cloud Computing, service orientated infrastructure, DevOps, Big Data, and anything else that grabbed our attention over the week. Here are some great articles from the week of November 18th that are worth taking a look at. Enjoy!
Why Security Concerns Should Not Deter Journey to Cloud by David Hunter
Recent high-profile data breaches shine a spotlight on the issues of trust, risk and security in the cloud. Yet, amid all the hand-wringing about perceived cloud computing security shortcomings, a deeper look yields a great irony: a mature cloud architecture is actually more, not less, secure than traditional IT environments.
Cloud Computing as a Threat to Older Tech Companies by Quentin Hardy
If the IDC predictions bear out, the technology industry is in the midst of perhaps its fastest-ever transition. Earlier transitions, like the move from mainframe and mini computers to personal computers and client-server technologies, led to the rise of giants like Oracle and Microsoft, and the downfall of older stalwarts, like Digital Equipment Corp. and Wang Laboratories.
Cloud Computing's Vendor Lock-In Problem: Why the Industry is Taking a Step Backward by Joe McKendrick
For more than a decade, IT managers and advocates have been working tirelessly to enable solutions based on common standards and protocols that can be built, supported, swapped out and replaced, regardless of vendor. And they almost succeeded — until lately.
Agile Maturity Model – Three Different Approaches by Udayan Banerjee
Though we do not have an accepted model for accessing the level of maturity of adoption of agile methodology, there three distinct schools of thought on what an “Agile Maturity Model” could be. The first school of thought maintains that agile methodologies are only a means to an end and what is right for an organization can only be derived from business goal – there can be no generic model.
DevOps. It’s in the Culture, Not Tech. by Don MacVittie
It is up to management to take concrete steps to move dev closer to ops...So call a meeting. Make it around lunch time and announce that pizza will be provided. Both teams will show up, and you can start changing culture. The benefits will be long-term, with applications better suiting users needs and requiring less operations man-hours. And devs will get a better feel for what works and doesn’t in your environment.
2012: Cloud computing hits adolescence for better or worse by Barb Darrow
In 2012, cloud computing will be old enough to do some great things — and to get into trouble.
The Great Cloud Computing Pricing Debate by Bernard Golden
Public cloud vs. private cloud: which model is cheaper for enterprises? In an environment where the future pricing of public cloud providers is uncertain and the reliability of internal private cloud deployments is far from guaranteed, CIOs need guidance.
Cloud computing: from consideration into action by David Dzienciol
IT innovation is often what keeps businesses at the forefront of any industry. Granted, some changes are more easily implemented than others. For instance, when social media emerged as a networking tool, no major overhaul of infrastructure was required. By putting in place a clear usage policy and managing security threats, businesses were able to utilise the productivity and business benefits of social technologies.
Cloud Expo Takeaways: Cloud Confusion Still Exists by Jeremy Geelan
With 9th Cloud Expo at Silicon Valley's Santa Clara Convention Center now finished, Cloud Computing Journal asked a variety of industry stakeholders what their Top Three takeaways were from the event, now that the many thousands of delegates are back at their desks and their companies, leveraging the knowledge and the insights that they gained through the extensive technical/strategic program and the huge number of booths on the Expo floor.
And a few more noteworthy pieces...
- The Year in Review: Cloud Computing Expands, CIOs on the Move by Government Technology News
- Big Data Analytics - Guidelines for Implementing Big Data Analytics by IT Business Edge
- Cloud Storage Requires a Hybrid Approach by Mike Vizard
- What Agile can Learn from Open Source by Adam Feber