
Press Releases

Open Source Zenoss Core Project Delivers Cloud Monitoring and Community-Led Systems Management Innovations

Austin, TX - October 28th 2009 - Zenoss Inc., a leading commercial open source provider of Unlegacy IT systems and network management products, today announced the general availability of Zenoss Core version 2.5 under the GNU General Public License (V2). This latest version of the open source monitoring and systems management project includes several new features and innovations targeted at managing cloud-based infrastructures as well as many new community-developed extensions to broaden Zenoss' monitoring capabilities.


The Zenoss 2.5 release can be downloaded from the Zenoss Community website.


What's New in Zenoss Core 2.5


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Monitoring - New Amazon EC2 monitoring provides dynamic snapshots of both the individual and collective performance of the instances within an account. In addition, Zenoss Core now includes the ability to immediately track performance without user intervention and to drill deep on performance issues with “inside-the-instance” monitoring.


Over 40+ New Community Developed Innovations - During the latest release cycle the community has significantly extended Zenoss Core in the form of monitoring extensions called ZenPacks.


Egor Puzanov's ODBC Data Source ZenPack provides a new data source for monitoring databases via ODBC. This ZenPack is the basis for the MS SQL ODBC Database Monitor, MySQL ODBC Database Monitor and PostgreSQL ODBC Database Monitor ZenPacks.


David Nicklay's Community NetApp ZenPack merges three existing ZenPacks into a single source, providing comprehensive monitoring for NetApp devices.


Eric Edgar provides new monitoring threshold functions via Point, Range and Predictive Threshold ZenPacks.


Event Console - With a new look and feel, the Event Console makes it even easier for IT operators to complete their most common tasks. The primary design features were based on a set of usability interviews and include streamlined navigation, inline event filtering and a preview pane.


Community Submitted Bugs, Feature Requests and Testing - The Zenoss Community provided significant testing and feedback during this release cycle submitting over 65 bugs and feature requests that have been addressed in version 2.5.


Supporting Quotes

"People need to think differently about cloud computing. It's not separate to existing enterprise management - it's in addition to it. Having a holistic view of the cloud and the traditional infrastructure is critical. It's also vital that tools be flexible enough to integrate and develop alongside cloud computing whether publicly as in the case of EC2 or privately developed cloud tools. Zenoss is on the right path and positioned to be a leader by having an open source development methodology that allows them to easily collaborate with all technology providers and a strong commercial product that addresses the complete IT management landscape." - John M. Willis, Systems Management and Cloud Expert and host of the IT Management Podcast and the Cloud Cafe Podcast


"The Zenoss Core 2.5 release shows an awareness of the value in supporting and enhancing the free, community version of open source software that also serves as the basis for enterprise subscription software. By adding Amazon EC2 monitoring, new event console and other features and functionality to its community version, Zenoss is growing and extending the software's capability and the community's value, as evidenced by the growing number of ZenPacks being developed." - Jay Lyman, Enterprise Software Analyst, The 451 Group


"Zenoss currently plays a key role as part of our monitoring toolset. It helps us provide the high level of monitoring which our clients expect. We look forward to seeing the features and improvements which Zenoss Core 2.5 has to offer." - Ryan Matte, Nova Networks


Zenoss Cloud Monitoring Contest


With an increasing number of users needing to monitor cloud infrastructure, Zenoss is partnering with the open source community to deliver instrumentation to monitor popular cloud services. Zenoss has announced a contest for Zenoss Community users to help expand the Zenoss Core platform to monitor other cloud infrastructure. Zenoss is offering numerous prizes for submissions and will be releasing all entries for free under the GPLv2.




Community Partner Program


During this release cycle, Zenoss has also enabled the Zenoss Community to provide support, services, custom development and training to other members through the Zenoss Community Partner program. Zenoss Community members now have a marketplace for exchanging goods and services that augment the Zenoss Core project and its use.


About Zenoss Core


Zenoss Core is the award winning open source network monitoring and systems management project that delivers the functionality to effectively manage the configuration, health and performance of networks, servers and applications through a single, integrated software package. The Zenoss Community is comprised of over 75,000 active members who are instrumental in evolving the solution as well as providing timely support and help for all questions. One of the most active projects on SourceForge, Zenoss Core has been downloaded over one million times and is being used by companies in over 180 countries. For more information on Zenoss Core, visit http://community.zenoss.org.


About Zenoss Inc.


Zenoss is a leading commercial open source provider of Unlegacy IT enterprise management products. Zenoss Enterprise is a single model-based product that enables organizations to seamlessly manage physical, virtual and cloud based infrastructure with unprecedented power, agility and value. Leveraging a commercial open source model, Zenoss products monitor over one million network and server devices daily and are used in over 25,000 organizations in 180 countries around the world. Commercial customers include leading companies such as Rackspace, VMware, WebMD, LinkedIn, Tyco Electronics, Carlson, Motorola and Deutsche Bank. To learn more about Zenoss' award-winning IT operations management software, visit https://www.zenoss.com


Media Contact
Cindy Akus